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Maal Blockchain In Government Sectors
Go Beyond Trust & Bureaucracy Challenges
Increase The Level Of Security, Efficiency, Transparency & Collaboration Between Governments, Businesses & Citizens
For government leaders walking a budget tightrope, blockchain may be a much-needed lifeline. Maal blockchain could reduce redundancy, streamline processes, decrease audit burden, increase security, and ensure data integrity. Tijarah is working with entities at all levels to prove blockchain’s value in leading the digital transformation of government.

Government Use Cases

Through the Maal blockchain, governments can create a decentralized national identity management system where citizens can store and manage their personal information securely and transparently. Blockchain-based digital identity management systems can be designed to be interoperable, meaning that different systems can communicate with each other and share information in a secure and standardized way. This can increase efficiency and reduce the risk of errors or duplicates. Using privacy-enhancing technologies such as "Concept of Identity", this management system can keep personal information protected while still making it accessible to authorized parties.

Secure E-Voting
Through the use of Maal blockchain technology, governments can provide accurate and tamper-proof e-voting systems. The results of blockchain-based e-voting can be audited in real-time, providing transparency and accountability during the voting process. Cryptographic algorithms are used to securely count and tally the votes, reducing the risk of manipulation or tampering. Instead of traditional databases where votes are centrally stored, Maal blockchain’s distributed ledger technology ensures that there is no single point of failure. This has the potential to increase voter turnout, reduce the risk of fraud and manipulation, and increase confidence in the electoral process.

Decentralized Land Registry
A blockchain-based approach to registering property titles could increase the efficiency of transaction processing and reduce, if not entirely prevent property fraud. Governments can harness Maal Blockchain technology to address these challenges. The immutable and transparent nature of Maal Blockchain could curb forgery of land titles, create an unmodifiable history of land transactions, and allow real-time verification of land ownership. Used in this way, Maal could provide a highly secure record of ownership that cannot be manipulated. In contrast to storage on a central server or a central archive, which if lost means the end to all claims, Maal blockchain allows information to survive any disaster.
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